Writer-director Luca Barbareschi took the main role in this satirical variation on the theme “the taste of power.” Augusto comes from a long line of honest men – that is until he is elected to the parliament in Rome. There he soon realizes that big politics demands compromises and the endless “self-denial” of all those who participate.
Augusto Vignó is from a long line of honest men. When his region was flooded, resulting in destructive ecological consequences, he stood in front of television cameras face to face with the government minister and clearly formulated the steps necessary for clean up. Such men stand out in government circles. He might come in handy because he is also an independent, a model husband and a father of three. Augusto, with his face smoothly shaved, wearing a well-tailored suit, wins parliamentary elections handily. He must be considered, but wait: he can’t behave like a loose cannon and stubbornly put through his own opinions. That’s why he’s got a team of experienced colleagues, advisers, and female admirers. After arriving in Rome, Augusto rightfully feels like he’s in a maze. He doesn’t understand why he should vote for this particular person, why attend this particular dinner, or where and to whom to clarify his intentions (so it will be at the most auspicious moment). Gradually even he, a parliamentary member from the north, who just yesterday was something of a yokel, begins to understand that big politics, played for big bucks and personal ambition, requires bigger and bigger compromises (if one wants to play). Even a road paved with the best intentions can lead to hell.
108 min / Color, 35 mm
Director Luca Barbareschi
/ Screenplay Luca Barbareschi, Gianfranco Manfredi
/ Dir. of Photography Gino Sgreva
/ Music Marco Zurzolo
/ Editor Osvaldo Bargero
/ Producer Gusanna Bolchi, Aureliano Lalli Persiani
/ Production Casanova Entertainment
/ Cast Luca Barbareschi, Rocco Papaleo, Luigimaria Burruano
/ Contact Adriana Chiesa Enterprises
www: www.lucabarbareschi.it
Luca Barbareschi (b. 1956, Montevideo, Uruguay), actor, screenwriter, director and producer, finished university studies in Milan, then headed for the US where he tried various profession, above all theatre. He soon, however, became interested in film and television. After retuning to Italy, he settled in Rome and, through his creative activities among others, became a highly acclaimed artist. In film alone he has played more than thirty roles (and his work in theatre and television is just as extensive); this led to work as a co-writer and director. His directorial debut in features came with an autobiographical story of adolescence, Ardena (1997), a film he also co-wrote, acted in, and produced at his own Casanova Entertainment productions. Barbareschi is a member of and consultant to many top cultural institutions.
Adriana Chiesa Enterprises
Via Barnaba Oriani 24A, 00197, Rome
Phone: +39 06 808 6052
Fax: +39 06 806 878 55
E-mail: [email protected]
Luca Barbareschi
Roberto Stabile
Film Institution Rep.
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