A samurai and his servant decide to have a picnic feast in a monastery garden guarded by a young monk. He refuses to let them in, but when he smells their sake his determination is put to the test.... Made in 1968, Kawamoto’s first puppet film is a moral tale about a punished disciple.

Breaking of Branches is Forbidden


The head monk orders a young acolyte to guard a beautiful cherry tree in the monastery garden while he goes out. But the older man underestimates his colleague’s fondness for sake. As it so happens, a samurai warrior and his servant decide to have a picnic feast in the same garden under the blossoming tree. The acolyte refuses to let them in, but when he smells their sake, his determination is put to the test.... Made in 1968, director Kawamoto’s first puppet film is a moral tale about a disciple who was justly punished for a momentary lapse.

About the film

14 min / Color, 16 mm

Director Kihachiro Kawamoto / Screenplay Kihachiro Kawamoto / Dir. of Photography Ken Yoshioka / Music Akihiro Komori / Editor Fusako Shuzui / Producer Fukuma / Production Sakura Motion Picture Co.,Ltd. / Cast Tetsuko Kuroyanagi (hlas/voice) / Contact 100MeterFilms


Dainan Building 1F, Honshio-cho 6 Banchi Shinjuku-ku, 160-0003, Tokyo
Phone: +81 3 33 58 34 11
Fax: +81 3 33 58 34 11
E-mail: info@100meterfilms.com


Kihachiro Kawamoto
Film Director

Shohei Shiozaki
Service Company Rep.