East of the West Competition 2021 / Bėgikė / Lithuania, Czech Republic 2021
When Marija learns that her boyfriend, who has had another of his psychotic episodes, has disappeared from their home, she runs into the streets of the city in order to find him and hopefully prevent a tragedy. Andrius Blaževičius’s dynamic drama, set over the course of 24 hours, explores the subjects of love and freedom. Marija is played with vital energy by the actress Žygimantė Elena Jakštaitė, who was chosen for the prestigious Shooting Stars program at this year’s Berlinale.

When Marija learns that her boyfriend, who has had another of his psychotic episodes, has disappeared from their home, she runs into the streets of the city in order to find him and hopefully prevent a tragedy. In his second film, Lithuanian director Andrius Blaževičius explores the subjects of love and freedom since, as he puts it, “I’m interested in a person’s free will and choice to sacrifice their freedom for something extremely important to them.” Blaževičius has created an immensely dynamic drama, set over the course of 24 hours, in which formal elements such as a shaky camera and an unsettling soundtrack significantly add to the main protagonist’s emotional state. Marija is played with vital energy by Žygimantė Elena Jakštaitė, who was chosen for the prestigious Shooting Stars program at this year’s Berlinale.
Lenka Tyrpáková
About the film
87 min / Color, DCP
World premiere
Director Andrius Blaževičius
/ Screenplay Marija Kavtaradzė, Teklė Kavtaradzė, Andrius Blaževičius
/ Dir. of Photography Narvydas Naujalis
/ Music Jakub Rataj
/ Editor Ieva Veiverytė
/ Art Director Aurimas Akšys
/ Producer Marija Razgutė
/ Production M-Films
/ Coproduction Bionaut
/ Cast Žygimantė Elena Jakštaitė, Marius Repšys, Laima Akstinaitė
/ Sales Alief
/ Contact Marijana Harder
About the director

Andrius Blaževičius (1985, Vilnius). Selected filmography: Ten Reasons (Dešimt priežasčių, 2011, short), The Saint (Šventasis, 2016), Runner (Bėgikė, 2021).
40 Rue Alexandre Dumas, 75011, Paris
Publicity contact
Marijana Harder
Phone: +491 777 942 871

Andrius Blaževičius
Film Director

Zygimante Elena Jakstaite

Marija Razgutė

Brigita Beniušytė

Narvydas Naujalis
Director of Photography

Marija Kavtaradze
Film Director, Screenwriter

Tekle Kavtaradze

Marijana Harder