Archive of films: 32nd festival

Directed by: Ardak Amirkulov / Kazakhstan, 1995, 0 min
Section: East of the West
A Brief History of Time
(A Brief History of Time)
Directed by: Errol Morris / United Kingdom, 1991, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents
Absolute Power
(The Absolute Power)
Directed by: Clint Eastwood / USA, 1997, 0 min
Section: Horizons
A Close Shave
(A Close Shave)
Directed by: Nick Park / United Kingdom, 1995, 0 min
Section: Horizons
A Day at the Races
(A Day at the Races)
Directed by: Sam Wood / USA, 1937, 0 min
Section: A Marx Brothers Retrospective
Aileen Wuornos - The Selling of a Seriál Killer
(Aileen Wuornos - The Selling of a Seriál Killer)
Directed by: Nick Broomfield / USA, 1992, 0 min
Section: Merciless Witness Nick Broomfield
Aimless Walk
(Bezúčelná procházka)
Directed by: Alexander Hackenschmied / Czech Republic, 1930, 0 min
Section: The Czech Film Avantgarde & A Tribute to Alexander Hackenschmied
Aimless Walk - Alexander Hammid
(Bezúčelná procházka - Alexander Hammid)
Directed by: Martina Kudláček / Czech Republic, 1996, 0 min
Section: The Czech Film Avantgarde & A Tribute to Alexander Hackenschmied
Alive Trace
(Amin mer)
Directed by: Gombodzhavyn Dzhigdzhisuren / Mongolia, 1994, 0 min
Section: East of the West
All Over Me
(All Over Me)
Directed by: Alex Sichel / USA, 1996, 0 min
Section: Horizons
Directed by: Miloš Forman / USA, 1984, 0 min
Section: Stories told by Miloš Forman
Angel Baby
(Angel Baby)
Directed by: Michael Rymer / Australia, 1995, 0 min
Section: Australian Cinema: 1970s - 1900s
Angel of Mercy
(Anděl milosrdenství)
Directed by: Miloslav Luther / Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, 1993, 0 min
Section: Films made by Czech Television in the 90s
A Night at the Opera
(A Night at the Opera)
Directed by: Sam Wood / USA, 1935, 0 min
Section: A Marx Brothers Retrospective
A Night in Casablanca
(A Night in Casablanca)
Directed by: Archie Mayo / USA, 1946, 0 min
Section: A Marx Brothers Retrospective
Animal Crackers
(Animal Crackers)
Directed by: Victor Heerman / USA, 1930, 0 min
Section: A Marx Brothers Retrospective
An Ordinary President
(Obyknovennyj president)
Directed by: Juri Chaschtschevatski / Belarus, 1996, 0 min
Section: Documentaries Competition
Another Mother
(De nieuwe moeder)
Directed by: Paula van der Oest / Netherlands, 1996, 0 min
Section: East of the West
Artichokes Will Grow in Mimongo
(Cresceranno i carciofi a Mimongo)
Directed by: Fulvio Ottaviano / Italy, 1996, 0 min
Section: Another View
Asphalt Tango
(Asphalt Tango)
Directed by: Nae Caranfil / France, Romania, 1995, 0 min
Section: East of the West
Assasination. An Autumn Murder in Munich
(Atentat. Osinne vbivstvo v Mjuncheni)
Directed by: Oles Yanchuk / Ukraine, 1995, 0 min
Section: East of the West
A Tase of Fame
(Chuť slávy)
Directed by: Miloslav Šmídmajer / Czech Republic, 1996, 0 min
Section: Stories told by Miloš Forman
A Thoughts Penetrating Light
(Myšlenka hledající Světlo)
Directed by: Karel Dodal / Czech Republic, 1939, 0 min
Section: The Czech Film Avantgarde & A Tribute to Alexander Hackenschmied
At the Circus
(At the Circus)
Directed by: Edward Buzzell / USA, 1939, 0 min
Section: A Marx Brothers Retrospective
Directed by: Miloš Forman / Czechoslovakia, 1963, 0 min
Section: Stories told by Miloš Forman
A Wolf-Tooth Necklace
(Vilko dantu karoliai)
Directed by: Algimantas Puipa / Lithuania, 1997, 0 min
Section: Official Selection - Competition