Archive of films: 53rd festival

Wag the Dog
(Wag the Dog)
Directed by: Barry Levinson / USA, 1997, 97 min
Section: Special Events
Directed by: Annemarie Jacir / Palestine, France, Germany, Colombia, Norway, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, 2017, 96 min
Section: Horizons
Directed by: Daniel Zimmermann / Switzerland, Austria, 2018, 100 min
Section: Documentary Films - Competition
Warm Comedy about Depression, Madness and Unfulfilled Dreams
(Hrejivá komédia o depresii, šialenstve a nesplnených snoch)
Directed by: Michal Ďuriš / Slovak Republic, 2017, 22 min
Section: Future Frames: Ten New Filmmakers To Follow
We Were at Our Own Field
(Pabuvam savam lauki)
Directed by: Henrikas Šablevičius / Lithuania, 1988, 20 min
Section: Reflections of Time: Baltic Poetic Documentary
When the War Comes
(Až přijde válka)
Directed by: Jan Gebert / Czech Republic, Croatia, 2018, 76 min
Section: Czech Films 2017–2018
Where the Summer Goes (chapters on youth)
(Onde o Verão Vai (episódios da juventude))
Directed by: David Pinheiro Vicente / Portugal, 2018, 20 min
Section: Future Frames: Ten New Filmmakers To Follow
White Bell
(Baltie zvani)
Directed by: Ivars Kraulītis / Latvia, 1961, 24 min
Section: Reflections of Time: Baltic Poetic Documentary
White Paradise
(Bílý ráj)
Directed by: Karel Lamač / Czechoslovakia, 1924, 70 min
Section: Out of the Past
Directed by: Paul Dano / USA, 2018, 104 min
Section: Horizons
Wild Pear Tree
(Ahlat Agaci)
Directed by: Nuri Bilge Ceylan / Turkey, France, Germany, Bulgaria, 2018, 188 min
Section: Horizons
Winter Flies
(Všechno bude)
Directed by: Olmo Omerzu / Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Slovak Republic, 2018, 85 min
Section: Official Selection - Competition
Woman from Kihnu
(Kihnu naine)
Directed by: Mark Soosaar / Estonia, 1974, 49 min
Section: Reflections of Time: Baltic Poetic Documentary
World Is Yours
(Le Monde est à toi)
Directed by: Romain Gavras / France, 2018, 94 min
Section: Horizons