Archive of films: 34th festival

The Acid House
(The Acid House)
Directed by: Paul McGuigan / United Kingdom, 1998, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents
The Adopted Son
Directed by: Aktan Abdykalykov / Kyrgyzstan, France, 1998, 0 min
Section: East of the West
The Big Snit
(Le p´tit chaos)
Directed by: Richard Condie / Canada, 1985, 0 min
Section: Canadian Animated Films
The Book of Life
(The Book of Life)
Directed by: Hal Hartley / USA, France, 1998, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents
The Carriers Are Waiting
(Les Convoyeurs attendent)
Directed by: Benoit Mariage / Belgium, France, Switzerland, 1998, 0 min
Section: Variety Critics´ Choice
The Cat Came Back
(Le chat colla…)
Directed by: Cordell Barker / Canada, 1988, 0 min
Section: Canadian Animated Films
The City
(La Ciudad)
Directed by: David Riker / USA, 1998, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents
The Concert for Machine Gun
(Koncrt za mašinsku pušku)
Directed by: Dušan Vukotić / Yugoslavia, 1957, 0 min
Section: In Memoriam Dušan Vukotić
The Courtyard
Directed by: Valdas Navasaitis / Lithuania, France, 1999, 0 min
Section: East of the West
The Diary of a Country Priest
(Le journal d´un curé de compagne)
Directed by: Robert Bresson / France, 1951, 0 min
Section: Treasures from the European Film Archives
The Dream Life of Angels
(La vie revée des anges)
Directed by: Erick Zonca / France, 1998, 0 min
Section: French Regional Film
The Emperor and the Drummer
(Císař a tambor)
Directed by: Václav Křístek / Czech Republic, 1998, 0 min
Section: Czech Films 1998 - 99
The End of the World in Four Seasons
(La fin du monde en quatre saisons)
Directed by: Paul Driessen / Canada, 1995, 0 min
Section: Canadian Animated Films
The Ersatz
Directed by: Dušan Vukotić / Yugoslavia, 1961, 0 min
Section: In Memoriam Dušan Vukotić
The Flight of the Bee
(Parvozi zanbur)
Directed by: Jamshed Usmonov, Boung Hun Min / Tajikistan, South Korea, 1998, 0 min
Section: East of the West
The Journey to Nowhere
(Putěšestvije v nikuda)
Directed by: Amanzhol Aituarov / Kazakhstan, 1992, 0 min
Section: Focus on Kazakhstan
The Lake
Directed by: Kachaber Kikabidze / Georgia, 1998, 0 min
Section: East of the West
The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
(Los amantes del circulo polar)
Directed by: Julio Medem / Spain, 1998, 0 min
Section: Variety Critics´ Choice
The Magic Bell
(O kouzelném zvonu)
Directed by: Aurel Klimt / Czech Republic, 1998, 0 min
Section: Czech Films 1998 - 99
The Magic Sounds
(Čarobni zvuci)
Directed by: Dušan Vukotić / Yugoslavia, 1957, 0 min
Section: In Memoriam Dušan Vukotić
The Manor
(The Manor)
Directed by: Kenneth Berris / Czech Republic, 1999, 0 min
Section: Czech Films 1998 - 99
The Man Who Would Live Forever
(Manden som ikke ville do)
Directed by: Torben Skjodt Jensen / Denmark, 1999, 0 min
Section: Variety Critics´ Choice
The New Eve
(La nouvelle Eve)
Directed by: Catherine Corsini / France, 1998, 0 min
Section: Variety Critics´ Choice
The Past
Directed by: Ivo Trajkov / Czech Republic, 1998, 0 min
Section: Czech Films 1998 - 99
The Place on the Gray Triangular Hat
(Syr ušbyrys ortasyndagy oryn/Mesto na seroj trojugolke)
Directed by: Jermek Shinarbayev / Kazakhstan, 1993, 0 min
Section: Focus on Kazakhstan
The Play
Directed by: Dušan Vukotić / Yugoslavia, 1962, 0 min
Section: In Memoriam Dušan Vukotić
The Playful Robot
(Netašni robot)
Directed by: Dušan Vukotić / Yugoslavia, 1956, 0 min
Section: In Memoriam Dušan Vukotić
The Pride
Directed by: Eduardo Bencivenga / Italy, 1918, 0 min
Section: Treasures from the European Film Archives
The Real McCoy
(The Real McCoy)
Directed by: Pekka Lehto / Finland, 1999, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents
The Red Button
(Le Bouton Rouge)
Directed by: Marc-Olivier Picron / Belgium, 1998, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents
The Sawyers
(Nhung nguoi tho xe)
Directed by: Vuong Duc / Vietnam, 1998, 0 min
Section: East of the West
Directed by: Jan Jakub Kolski / Poland, 1998, 0 min
Section: East of the West
The Street
(La rue)
Directed by: Caroline Leaf / Canada, 1976, 0 min
Section: Canadian Animated Films
The Three
Directed by: Alexander Baranov, Bachyt Kilibayev / USSR, 1988, 0 min
Section: Focus on Kazakhstan
The Time of Debts
(Čas dluhů)
Directed by: Irena Pavlásková / Czech Republic, 1998, 0 min
Section: Czech Films 1998 - 99
The Touch
Directed by: Amanzhol Aituarov / USSR, 1989, 0 min
Section: Focus on Kazakhstan
The Treasure
(Der Schatz)
Directed by: Georg Wilhelm Pabst / Germany, 1923, 0 min
Section: Treasures from the European Film Archives
The Unfinished Portrait
(Nědopisanyj portret)
Directed by: Murat Musin / USSR, 1990, 0 min
Section: Focus on Kazakhstan
The Wholesome Sick Beloved Brodský
(Zdravý nemocný Vlastimilený Brodský)
Directed by: Ondřej Havelka / Czech Republic, 1999, 0 min
Section: Czech Films 1998 - 99
The Wild East
(Dikij vostok)
Directed by: Rashid Nugmanov / Kazakhstan, 1993, 0 min
Section: Focus on Kazakhstan
To have (or not)
(En avoir (ou pas))
Directed by: Laetitia Masson / France, 1995, 0 min
Section: French Regional Film
To the Horizon and Beyond
(Bis zum Horizont und weiter)
Directed by: Peter Kahane / Germany, 1998, 0 min
Section: Variety Critics´ Choice
Directed by: Julian L. Goldberger / USA, 1998, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents
(Pasti, pasti, pastičky)
Directed by: Věra Chytilová / Czech Republic, 1998, 0 min
Section: Czech Films 1998 - 99
Two seconds
(Deux secondes)
Directed by: Manon Briand / Canada, 1998, 0 min
Section: Forum of Independents