Forum of Independents
Directed by: Esther Gronenborn / Germany, 2000, 84 min
Directed by: Jonathan Parker / USA, 2000, 83 min
Björn - the Hurdles of Bureaucracy
(Björn oder die Hürden der Behörden)
Directed by: Andi Niessner / Germany, 2001, 13 min
Border Radio
(Border Radio)
Directed by: Allison Anders, Dean Lent, Kurt Voss / USA, 1987, 84 min
Closely Knit
(Der braune Faden)
Directed by: Volker Elas / Germany, 2000, 13 min
Copy Shop
(Copy Shop)
Directed by: Virgil Widrich / Austria, 2001, 12 min
Crane World
(Mundo grúa)
Directed by: Pablo Trapero / Argentina, 1999, 90 min
Double Whammy
(Double Whammy)
Directed by: Tom Dicillo / USA, 2000, 100 min
Down and Out with the Dolls
(Down and Out with the Dolls)
Directed by: Kurt Voss / USA, 2000, 88 min
Directed by: Philippe Mach / Switzerland, 2000, 20 min
Directed by: Atsushi Funahashi / USA, 2000, 72 min
For You My Sweetheart
(Für Dich mein Herz)
Directed by: Johannes von Gwinner / Germany, 2001, 10 min
Gone Underground
(Gone Underground)
Directed by: Su Turhan / Germany, 2000, 9 min
Je t´aime John Wayne
(Je t´aime John Wayne)
Directed by: Toby McDonald / United Kingdom, 2000, 10 min
Just for Today
(Solo por hoy)
Directed by: Ariel Rotter / Argentina, 2000, 100 min
Lovely Rita
(Lovely Rita)
Directed by: Jessica Hausner / Austria, Germany, 2001, 80 min
My Brother Tom
(My Brother Tom)
Directed by: Dom Rotheroe / United Kingdom, 2001, 110 min
My Crazy Life
(Mi Vida Loca)
Directed by: Allison Anders / USA, 1993, 92 min
Play for Me
(Tocá Para Mí)
Directed by: Rodrigo Fürth / Argentina, 2000, 101 min
Possible Worlds
(Possible Worlds)
Directed by: Robert Lepage / Canada, 2000, 94 min
Directed by: Chris Roche / Ireland, 2001, 4 min
Series 7
(Series 7)
Directed by: Daniel Minahan / USA, 2000, 85 min
Silvia Prieto
(Silvia Prieto)
Directed by: Martín Rejtman / Argentina, 1999, 92 min
Directed by: Anthony Mullins / Australia, 2000, 7 min
Story Telling
Directed by: Gillaume Malandrin / Belgium, 2000, 18 min
Sugar Town
(Sugar Town)
Directed by: Allison Anders / USA, 1998, 100 min
Taxi - An Encounter
(Taxi - un encuentro)
Directed by: Gabriela David / Argentina, Germany, 2001, 93 min
That Life Has Meaning
(Ze zycie ma sens)
Directed by: Grzegorz Lipiec / Poland, 2001, 87 min
The Anniversary Party
(The Anniversary Party)
Directed by: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Allan Cumming / USA, 2001, 115 min
The Days Between
(in den tag hinein)
Directed by: Maria Speth / Germany, 2001, 115 min
The Goddess of 1967
(The Goddess of 1967)
Directed by: Clara Law / Australia, 2000, 118 min
The Princess and the Warrior
(Der Krieger und die Kaiserin)
Directed by: Tom Tykwer / Germany, 2000, 129 min
The Purse
Directed by: Valentina Elina / Russia, 2000, 7 min
The State I am In
(Die innere Sicherheit)
Directed by: Christian Petzold / Germany, 2000, 108 min
The Swamp
(La Ciénaga)
Directed by: Lucrecia Martel / Argentina, 2001, 103 min
Things Behind the Sun
(Things Behind the Sun)
Directed by: Mary Allison Anders / USA, 2001, 100 min
Thomas in Love
(Thomas est amoureux)
Directed by: Pierre-Paul Renders / Belgium, France, 2000, 92 min
Virgil Bliss
(Virgil Bliss)
Directed by: Joe Maggio / USA, 2000, 100 min
Walking on the Wild Side
(Walking on the Wild Side)
Directed by: Fiona Gordon, Dominique Abel / Belgium, 2000, 13 min
25 Watts
(25 Watts)
Directed by: Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll / Uruguay, 2000, 94 min